

Patent Attorneys SuHyun Jung and JungHwan Song joined THEWAVE .

  • Date : 2023.02.06 16:22
  • Hit : 1,280


We are pleased to inform you that patent attorneys SuHyun Jung and JungHwan Song have joined the patent law firm THEWAVE.


SuHyun Jung, a patent attorney specialized in bio/pharmaceutical, graduated from Dankook University with a bachelor's degree/master's degree in molecular biology and has worked on IP R&D projects, domestic and foreign patent applications, and intermediate cases at Won International Patent Office and Korea Patent Strategy Development Institute. Accordingly, his work at TheWave will include preparing and filing domestic and foreign patent applications, patent prosecution, providing legal advice, litigation opinion, and infringement review, intellectual property disputes, and licensing in the bio/pharmaceutical field.


JungHwan Song, a patent attorney specialized in bio/pharmaceutical, chemistry/materials, graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor's degree with a major in horticultural biotechnology and a minor in applied biochemistry. He was one of the examiners for the 59th patent attorney's 2nd exam (organic chemistry) (2022). His work at TheWave will cover preparing and filing domestic and foreign patent applications, patent prosecution, providing legal advice, litigation opinion, and infringement review, intellectual property disputes, and licensing in the fields of bio/pharmaceuticals and chemicals/materials.


We look forward to having a successful working relationship with them.