

Patent Attorney Eunjung Jin's Metaverse Speech 2022 (G) Korea Intellectual Property Education Research Association Autumn Conference and Regular General Meeting]

  • Date : 2023.01.30 16:03
  • Hit : 887

THEWAVE’s Patent Attorney Eunjung Jin gave a lecture on "Application and Dispute Trends Related to the Extended Virtual World (Metaverse)"  at the 2022 Autumn Conference and Regular General Meeting of the Korea Intellectual Property Education Research Association held on December 1 and 2, 2022. 


This conference on 'Strategies for Protecting, Creating, and Utilizing Intellectual Property Rights in New Industries" is a forum for presenting and discussing the importance of intellectual property education and research activities through workshops and academic presentations.

Each session included oral presentations by researchers in various fields, special lectures according to the Korea Technology Finance Corporation on the Technology Innovation Capability Index, and agreements between the Society and the Tree Association.

Eunjung Jin :
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