

Daehyeon Lee, Patent Attorney's News on Publication of the 4th Edition of the Current Trademark Act

  • Date : 2023.05.15 16:07
  • Hit : 987


We are announcing the publication of the 4th edition of the Hyeon Trademark Law by DaeHyeon Lee, Patent Attorney at THEWAVE IP Law Firm.

In the 4th edition of the Hyeon Trademark Law by Patent Attorney Daehyeon Lee, some of the changed matters were reflected, including the Supreme Court precedents decided until April 2023, amended laws (Law No. 18817 that took effect from February 4), and more.

This book covers the basic theory of Trademark Law and is especially intended for candidates preparing for the 1st Patent Attorney exam.


'I hope that this book will help candidates preparing for the 1st Patent Attorney exam to pass, and I sincerely cheer for all the applicants to have success in passing,' -Patent Attorney Daehyeon Lee-