

[Interview] Patent attorney Kyung Min Won is one of the founders of THEWAVE

  • Date : 2022.08.22 19:12
  • Hit : 1,280


Kyung-min Won, one of the founders of THEWAVE, has been working as a patent attorney for 16 years. 
Before establishing THEWAVE IP, he worked with great success in another prestigious IP law firm. Based on his leadership and understanding of future technological trends, he decided to try a new challenge as one of the founders of THEWAVE IP. Please see more of his full story here. 

What does THEWAVE mean to you as a founder?

Two years ago When THEWAVE was founded, there were not more than 10 members, but now, THE WAVE has grown into a mid-sized patent firm with more than 50 members.

New challenges, new customers, strong professional enthusiasm, and work passion have led to such rapid growth, and I think these are the main strengths of THEWAVE.

What is one of the most important cases you have worked on?

One of the cases I have worked on was very difficult and obtaining a US patent was extremely hard because the US patent examination process at that time was quite complicated.

I worked on that case with a US patent attorney, who also is a patent agent, and the patent examination process placed us in a very dificult situation.  At that point, the US patent attorney recommended giving up on obtaining patent registration.

However, by working very hard and applying my professional legal logic for patent registration, we finally succeeded in obtaining a US patent.

It was one the cases that remains as an important professional achievement for me, and of course, the client too was very satisfied by the outcome. 

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